Yesterday I taught for nine hours--almost straight. I had 20 minutes for lunch and then an hour or so during which I did class preparation and graded quizzes. They needed a sub for a class that meets at night, and I, the glutton for punishment that I am, said I'd do it.
Then I came back to teach a pointless class today. My intensive grammar class took their big test yesterday, but we were scheduled to meet today anyway. I asked them if they'd actually show up, and they all promised, but only 5 people showed (all women). We talked about grammar and life, watched a rather silly video and ate chocolate and this yellow Chinese candy. It was okay, but I ate a lot of it, because I didn't want to hurt people's feelings. These women have done so much for me. They've brought me coffee, given me candy, a banana, etc. This was a good class of people. (One of the young guys had asked me several weeks where to look for jobs, and I told him about CraigsList. He got a job the other day, and came to shake my hand and thank me. How cute is that?) We haven't heard who passed the test, but I'm hoping the best. I think most of them will.
One of my students has taken this class twice, and she certainly didn't pass--I don't know for sure, but her quizzes are enough proof. I'm suspecting she has a learning disability. When I tell her to copy things I have written on her paper, she either writes letters that aren't there or just copies the first few letters and thinks she's done. I feel so bad for her. She asked me if I was interested in being her personal tutor, and I had to say no. I can only do so much.
I love the teaching. It's everything else that stinks. The grading, the planning, etc. And only being paid for the hours I'm in the classroom. The worst thing is I feel like I never have any free time. My weekends are spent working on everything for the coming week. I knew it was like this, since my mum's a teacher, but I didn't know, if you know what I mean. And I haven't written anything at all. But, now that the intensive class is over, I'll have more time. And less money.