I've just completed week one of the intensive TESOL course. It feels like a month! I've gotten, at max, 6 hours of sleep a night, the apartment's a mess, my laundry looks like a mountain, and I've only had a snatching of free time. I've barely seen Tom, with our conflicting schedules. The most I've talked to him is during supper, and then I head to the computer or my class reading or making lesson plans...
But I like the course, all in all. The trainers are very nice. One of them's originally from the Ukraine, and he is as cute as a button. He's always enthusiastic and good humored. The other day I saw him in Bryant Park during lunch (the building where the classes are is on 42nd St., near the main New York Public Library), just wandering around in this kind of quiet awe. He said he was looking at the trees. The other trainer is a Canadian, who is the absolute picture of what I think Ted might look like in 15 years--only a little heavier. For those who know Ted, you get the picture. They (the Ukrainian and Canadian) both know their stuff and seem to enjoy themselves immensely.
My classmates are cool. Yira (she's from the Dominican Republic) and I have really hit it off. I thought she was a lot younger than she is--she has a son who's fifteen!
Well, the weekend's here. I plan on sleeping in, doing laundry and trying to clean the apartment somewhat. We'll see what happens.