I have to make this quick. Tom and my brother, David, have left so I can get some work done, and of course, I want to work but the pull of the internet has me in its bosom. The picture you see to the left is Tom and myself last weekend when my other brother, Ben and his soon-to-be wife, Anna, came to visit and we went for a walk on Riverside Park. I always feel kick ass in these sunglasses I'm wearing, and I think I particularly look like someone undercover, roaming the streets looking for trouble, etc.
I'm feeling a little more than a person looking for trouble right now. I think I may have found it. It's a rather boring story but the gist of it is that a certain person who teaches at Valhalla has used me one too many times as her little go-fer. Today she called me and wanted my lesson materials from the last two weeks, because she was busy revising a part of a book that an agent wanted to look at. This is after I taught her group for two weeks in a row, not to mention those little tiny requests this entire semester that are, if looked at separately, not that big a deal but end up becoming a big deal because they keep coming. To top it off, when I told her nicely that I too had a lot of pressure on me with my work and didn't even know where the material was at the moment, she kept insinuating that because of her book contract possibility she was more important and I should scurry around and find it.
So, I found some of the material (not all, because I felt vindictive), sent it to her with a nice little email attached:
I honestly felt manipulated during our conversation tonight. Whether you meant to be so or not I'm not sure--obviously I'd like to be on the "not" side.
At any rate, though I recognize your crazy schedule and your worries about your manuscript, I felt that you belittled my own crazy schedule and deadlines. And though I know that you are having difficulties with your medication and so on, I too have many medical issues (a brain tumor that causes seizures which led to brain surgery and the loss of my left eye, two fingers amputated this summer, an ongoing struggle with a bone-related syndrome which is the cause of the above situations). This may be that "I've got more scratches than you" game, but I just wanted you to know that I empathize with your situation.
I feel that you have somewhat used me these past few weeks: asking me to take care of your class two weeks in a row and then expecting me to give my plans and materials to you because you are too busy--plans that are not difficult to create. In the time it took for our conversation to take place you could have found at least 20 pictures from the internet, and I'm not a computer savvy person either.
You have a possible book deal--I applaud you for that. And hope someday I'll be in the same boat. I have deadlines and responsibilites too that you know nothing about, but I take the extra time out of that schedule to create something small and hope the women take just a tiny bit out of it. If you feel that you can't do this, then I recommend you refrain from doing this during spring semester.
We are all stressed out people with a lot of work ahead of us. I'm not going to deny that. Everyone has things to do and needs help once in a while. But I feel I have been called to do too many things lately. You may be upset with me for writing these things, but I felt that I
wasn't being heard during our conversation earlier. If you want to talk about it during lunch tomorrow with Regina I'm all for it.
I found some of the pictures on my computer--I have not been able to find the hard copies I made for my class; they have wafted away to the Great Unknown--the rest must be on my SLC account; I have attached the ones from my computer. Hopefully they will help! jdp
I feel it was nice and to the point but still firm. Tom was pissed hearing just my end of the conversation on the phone. He says that he's learned from his work at the LESHRC that it's not the participants you want to kick, it's the people you work with. And I think it's true: I figure that the women at Valhalla won't let me down easy--but anyone who has enough money to go to SLC and spend all her time writing should know how to take care of things.